Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Women in botswana

Well women in botswana are living an rough life in botwana cause right now they are on a mission fighting about milaria. Also its hard for them cause its like everything they get well they just cant get it and get on with thier lives well they got to fight for what they want. Like right now alot of them have HIV and we know how hard it is to live with that. Also they treat women like slaves down there also like they dont even exist or something.

Also that they are not well represented down there either and also most of them work in jobs that cant really pay for nothing really like most of them are farmersor the be teaching sometimes but also they even do engineering but most of them are domestics.

They are living nasty like there house is just nasty and also that iam not trying to mean or nothing but thats how there are on the website i was looking on also most of them dont have no money really. And its just like how the top people of botwana want them to live nasty and dirty.

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