Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Egyptian literature

2. In the book of the dead the tone is that its exciting and kind of angry cause something has happened about the writing of the egyptians did an egyptians wrong or something and also the something was said wrong about the Nu's speech.the tone relates to what happened in the situation caused they should be mad cause of what had happened.

3.Cause he was the one that make people goes into dead mode when everyone is a sleep and also that he is uthe one that awakes them and put them to sleep and when he leaves well everything will just stop.

4.Cause right now she is fin to imagined that she is fin to get married to the man of her life and so now she is fin to pretend that she is in in a wedding.

6. I think that the adoration of the disk is the selection as a person as an speaker cause its telling you that mainly that he makes the people go to sleep like and mummy every night and awakes them every morning and that when he leaves that everything just stops hwen ever he leaves or comes back.

7. Cause one i think is that they are pretending to be in a wedding with there love of there life and one does notbut both still talking about how they wish there love one was right by them right there and then.

8. Well you see that egyptians are not scared od dieing and also that they are ready to give there lives in what they believe but peopledont in my society to day is so scared of diein and dont want to never die even for what they believe in to.

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